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Monday, December 26, 2011

Pura Dalem Ped,Semburkan Atmosfer Kekuatan Ratu Gede Nusa

Di sebuah desa, persisnya di Desa Ped, Sampalan, Nusa Penida, ada sebuah pura yang sangat terkenal di seluruh pelosok Bali. Pura Penataran Agung Ped nama tempat suci itu. Berada sekitar 50 meter sebelah selatan bibir pantai lautan Selat Nusa. Karena pengaruhnya yang sangat luas yakni seluruh pelosok Bali, Pura Penataran Agung Ped disepakati sebagai Pura Kahyangan Jagat. Pura ini selalu dipadati pemedek untuk memohon keselamatan, kesejahteraan, kerahayuan, dan ketenangan. Hingga saat ini, pura ini sangat terkenal sebagai salah satu objek wisata spiritual yang paling diminati.

Pada awalnya, informasi tentang keberadaan Pura Pentaran Agung Ped sangat simpang-siur. Sumber-sumber informasi tentang sejarah pura itu sangat minim, sehingga menimbulkan perdebatan yang lama. Kelompok (Puri Klungkung, Puri Gelgel dan Mangku Rumodja -- Mangku Lingsir) menyebutkan pura itu bernama Pura Pentaran Ped. Yang lainnya, khususnya para balian di Bali, menyebut Pura Dalem Ped.

Seorang penekun spiritual dan penulis buku asal Desa Satra, Klungkung, Dewa Ketut Soma dalam tulisannya tentang Selayang Pandang Pura Ped beranggapan bahwa kedua sebutan dari dua versi yang berbeda itu benar adanya. Menurutnya, yang dimaksudkan adalah Pura Dalem Penataran Ped. Hanya, satu pihak menonjolkan penatarannya. Satu pihak lainnya lebih menonjolkan dalemnya.

Selain itu, beberapa petunjuk yang menyebutkan pura itu pada awalnya bernama Pura Dalem. Dalam buku Sejarah Nusa dan Sejarah Pura Dalem Ped yang ditulis Drs. Wayan Putera Prata menyebutkan Pura Dalem Ped awalnya bernama Pura Dalem Nusa. Penggantian nama itu dilakukan tokoh Puri Klungkung pada zaman I Dewa Agung. Penggantian nama itu setelah Ida Pedanda Abiansemal bersama pepatih dan pengikutnya secara beriringan (mapeed) datang ke Nusa dengan maksud menyaksikan langsung kebenaran informasi atas keberadaan tiga tapel yang sakti di Pura Dalem Nusa.

Saking saktinya, tapel-tapel itu bahkan mampu menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit, baik yang diderita manusia maupun tumbuh-tumbuhan. Sebelumnya, Ida Pedanda Abiansemal juga sempat kehilangan tiga buah tapel. Ternyata, begitu menyaksikan tiga tapel yang ada di Pura Dalem Nusa itu adalah tiga tapel yang sempat menghilang dari kediamannya. Namun, Ida Pedanda tidak mengambil kembali tapel-tapel itu dengan catatan warga Nusa menjaga dengan baik dan secara terus-menerus melakukan upacara-upacara sebagaimana mestinya.

Kesaktian tiga tapel itu bukan saja masuk ke telinga Ida Pedanda, tetapi ke seluruh pelosok Bali. Termasuk, warga Subak Sampalan yang saat itu menghadapi serangan hama tanaman seperti tikus, walang sangit dan lainnya. Ketika mendengar kesaktian tiga tapel itu, seorang klian subak diutus untuk menyaksikan tapel tersebut di Pura Dalem Nusa.

Sesampainya di sana, klian subak memohon anugerah agar Subak Sampalan terhindar dari berbagai penyakit yang menyerang tanaman mereka. Permohonan itu terkabul. Tak lama berselang, penyakit tanaman itu pergi jauh dari Subak Sampalan. Hingga akhirnya warga subak bisa menikmati hasil tanaman seperti padi, palawija dan lainnya.

Sesuai kaulnya, warga kemudian menggelar upacara mapeed. Langkah itu diikuti subak-subak lain di sekitar Sampalan. Kabar tentang pelaksanaan upacara mapeed itu terdengar hingga seluruh pelosok Nusa. Sejak saat itulah I Dewa Agung Klungkung mengganti nama Pura Dalem Nusa dengan Pura Dalem Peed (Ped).

Meski demikian, hal itu seolah-olah terbantahkan. Karena seorang tokoh masyarakat Desa Ped, Wayan Sukasta, secara tegas menyatakan bahwa nama sebenarnya dari pura tersebut adalah Pura Penataran Agung Ped. Terbukti dari kepercayaan warga-warga sekitar saat ini. Walaupun ada yang menyebutkan pura itu dengan sebutan Pura Dalem, yang dimaksud bukanlah Pura Dalem yang merupakan bagian dari Tri Kahyangan (Puseh, Dalem dan Bale Agung). Melainkan Dalem untuk sebutan Raja yang berkuasa di Nusa Penida pada zaman itu. Dalem atau Raja dimaksud adalah penguasa sakti Ratu Gede Nusa atau Ratu Gede Mecaling, katanya.

Ada lima lokasi pura yang bersatu pada areal Pura Penataran Agung Ped. Pura Segara, sebagai tempat berstananya Batara Baruna, terletak pada bagian paling utara dekat dengan bibir pantai lautan Selat Nusa. Beberapa meter mengarah ke selatan ada Pura Taman dengan kolam mengitari pelinggih yang ada di dalamnya. Pura ini berfungsi sebagai tempat penyucian.

Pura Ratu Gede
Pura Ratu Gede

Mengarah ke baratnya lagi, ada Pura utama yakni Penataran Ratu Gede Mecaling sebagai simbol kesaktian penguasa Nusa pada zamannya. Di sebelah timurnya ada lagi pelebaan Ratu Mas. Terakhir di jaba tengah ada Bale Agung yang merupakan linggih Batara-batara pada waktu ngusaba.

Masing-masing pura dilengkapi pelinggih, bale perantenan dan bangunan-bangunan lain sesuai fungsi pura masing-masing. Selain itu, di posisi jaba ada sebuah wantilan yang sudah berbentuk bangunan balai banjar model daerah Badung yang biasa dipergunakan untuk pertunjukan kesenian.

Seluruh bangunan yang ada di Pura Penataran Agung Ped sudah mengalami perbaikan atau pemugaran. Kecuali benda-benda yang dikeramatkan. Contohnya, dua arca yakni Arca Ratu Gede Mecaling yang ada di Pura Ratu Gede dan Arca Ratu Mas yang ada di Pelebaan Ratu Mas. Kedua arca itu tidak ada yang berani menyentuhnya. Begitu juga bangunan-bangunan keramat lainnya. Kalaupun ada upaya untuk memperbaiki, hal itu dilakukan dengan membuat bangunan serupa di sebelah bangunan yang dikeramatkan tersebut.

Adanya perbaikan-perbaikan yang secara terus-menerus itu, membuat hampir seluruh bangunan yang ada di Pura Penataran Agung Ped terbentuk dengan plesteran-plesteran permanen dari semen dan kapur. Termasuk asagan yang lazimnya terbuat dari bambu yang bersifat darurat, tetapi dibuat permanen dengan plesteran semen. Paling tidak, hal itu telah memunculkan kesan kaku bagi pura yang diempon 18 desa pakraman tersebut. Pengemponnya mulai Desa Kutampi ke barat. Adanya sejumlah bangunan-bangunan pura yang dikeramatkan, berdampak pada lingkungan pura. Atmosfer keramat diyakini sudah tercipta sejak awal keberadaan pura tersebut.

Purusa-Pradana di Pura Dalem Penataran Peed

Ya atmada balada yasya visva
upasate prasisam yasya devah
yasya chaya-amrtam yasya mrtyuh,
kasmani devaya havisa vidhema.

Tuhan Yang Maha Esa memberikan kekuatan spiritual (rohani) dan fisikal (jasmani). Semua sinar sucinya yang disebut Deva berfungsi atas kehendak Tuhan. Kasih-Nya adalah keabadian, krodanya adalah kematian. Kami semuanya mengaturkan sembah kepada-Nya.

PURA Dalem Penataran Peed di Nusa Penida itu adalah pura untuk memuja Tuhan Yang Mahakuasa sebagai pencipta Purusa dan Pradana. Purusa itu adalah kekuatan jiwa atau daya spiritualitas yang memberikan napas kehidupan pada alam dan segala isinya. Pradana adalah kekuatan fisik material atau daya jasmaniah yang mewujudkan secara nyata kekuatan Purusa tersebut.

Karena itu umat Hindu berbondong-bondong rajin bersembahyang ke Pura Dalem Penataran Peed untuk mendapatkan keseimbangan daya hidup, baik daya spiritual maupun daya fisikal. Karena hanya keseimbangan peran dan fungsi rohani dan jasmani itulah hidup yang harmonis di bumi ini dapat dicapai.

Pemujaan Tuhan sebagai pencipta unsur Purusa dan Pradana ini divisualkan dalam wujud pemujaan di Pura Dalem Penataran Peed. Visualisasi itu merupakan perpaduan konsepsi Hindu dengan kearipan lokal Bali. Di Pura Dalem Penataran Peed ini terdapat dua arca Purusa dan Predana dari uang kepeng yang disimpan di gedong penyimpenan sebagai pelinggih utama di Pura Dalem Penataran Peed. Arca Purusa Predana inilah yang memvisualisasikan kemahakuasaan Tuhan yang menciptakan waranugraha keseimbangan hidup spiritual (Purusa) dengan kehidupan fisik material (Predana).

Dalam Lontar Ratu Nusa diceritakan Batara Siwa menurunkan Dewi Uma dan berstana di Puncak Mundi Nusa Penida diiringi oleh para Bhuta Kala simbol kekuatan fisik material berupa ruang dan waktu. Bhuta itu membentuk ruang dan Kala adalah waktu. Waktu timbul karena ada dinamika ruang. Di Pura Puncak Mundi, Dewi Uma bergelar Dewi Rohini dan berputra Dalem Sahang. Pepatih Dalem Sahang bernama I Renggan dari Jambu Dwipa -- kompyang dari Dukuh Jumpungan.

Dukuh Jumpungan itu lahir dari pertemuan Batara Guru dengan Ni Mrenggi, dayang dari Dewi Uma. Kama dari Batara Guru berupa awan kabut yang disebut limun. Karena itu disebut Hyang Kalimunan. Kama Batara Guru ini di-urip oleh Hyang Tri Murti dan menjadi manusia. Setelah digembleng berbagai ilmu kerohanian dan kesidhian, dan oleh Hyang Tri Murti terus diberi nama Dukuh Jumpungan dan bertugas sebagai ahli pengobatan. Setelah turun-temurun Dukuh Jumpungan menurunkan I Gotra yang juga dikenal I Mecaling. Inilah yang selanjutnya disebut Ratu Gede Nusa.

Ratu Gede Nusa ini berpenampilan bagaikan Batara Kala. Menurut penafsiran Ida Pedanda Made Sidemen (alm) dari Geria Taman Sanur yang dimuat dalam buku hasil penelitian Sejarah Pura oleh Tim IHD Denpasar (sekarang Unhi) antara lain menyatakan sbb: saat Batara di Gunung Agung, Batukaru dan Batara di Rambut Siwi dari Jambu Dwipa ke Bali diiringi oleh seribu lima ratus (1.500) orang halus (wong samar).

Lima ratus wong samar itu dengan lima orang taksu menjadi pengiring Ratu Gede Nusa atas wara nugraha Batara di Gunung Agung. Batara di Gunung Agung memberi wara nugraha kepada Ratu Gede Nusa atas tapa brata-nya yang keras. Atas tapa brata itulah Batara di Gunung Agung memberi anugrah dan wewenang untuk mengambil upeti berupa korban manusia Bali yang tidak taat melakukan perbuatan baik dan benar sesuai dengan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

Di Pura Dalem Penataran Peed ini Ida Batara Dalem Penataran Peed dipuja di Pelinggih Gedong, sedangkan Pelinggih Ratu Gede Nusa berada areal tersendiri di barat areal Pelinggih Dalem Penataran Peed. Pelinggih Dalem Penataran Peed ini berada di bagian timur, sedangkan Pelinggih Padmasana sebagai penyawangan Batara di Gunung Agung berada di bagian utara dalam areal Pura Dalem Penataran Peed. Di Pura Dalem Penataran Peed ini merupakan penyatuan antara pemujaan Batara Siwa di Gunung Agung dengan pemujaan Dewi Durgha atau Dewi Uma di Pura Puncak Mundi.

Dengan demikian Pura Dalem Penataran Peed itu sebagai Pemujaan Siwa Durgha dan Pemujaan Raja disebut Pura Dalem. Sedangkan disebut sebagai Pura Penataran Peed karena pura ini sebagai Penataran dari Pura Puncak Mundi pemujaan Batari Uma Durgha. Artinya, Pura Penataran Peed ini sebagai pengejawantahan yang aktif dari fungsi Pura Puncak Mundi pemujaan Batari Uma Durgha.

Di pura inilah bertemunya unsur Purusa dari Batara di Gunung Agung dengan Batari Uma Durgha di Puncak Mundi. Dari pertemuan dua unsur ciptaan Tuhan inilah yang akan melahirkan sarana kehidupan yang tiada habis-habisnya yang disebut Rambut Sedhana. Baik sarana hidup untuk memajukan kesejahteraan maupun sarana untuk mempertahankan kesehatan dan menghilangkan berbagai penyakit.

Upacara pujawali di Pura Dalem Penataran Peed ini dilangsungkan pada setiap Budha Cemeng Klawu. Hari Budha Cemeng Klawu ini adalah hari untuk mengingatkan umat Hindu pada hari keuangan yang disebut Pujawali Batari Rambut Sedhana. Pada hari ini umat Hindu diingatkan agar uang itu digunakan dengan baik dan setepat mungkin. Uang itu sebagai alat untuk mendapatkan berbagai sarana hidup agar digunakan dengan seimbang untuk menciptakan sarana kehidupan yang tiada habis-habisnya. Uang itu sebagai sarana menyukseskan tujuan hidup mewujudkan Dharma, Artha dan Kama sebagai dasar mencapai Moksha.

Berdasarkan adanya Pelinggih Manjangan Saluwang di sebelah barat Tugu Penyimpanan dapat diperkirakan bahwa Pura Dalem Penataran Peed ini sudah ada sejak Mpu Kuturan mendampingi Raja memimpin Bali. Pura ini mendapatkan perhatian saat Dalem Dukut memimpin di Nusa Penida dan dilanjutkan pada zaman kepemimpinan Dalem di Klungkung.

Source : Babad Bali

Friday, December 23, 2011

Pura Giri Putri, A Place to Request Any Blessing

The life of Hindus in Bali and Indonesia generally, can not be separated from the activities of religious ritual. Every day ritual ceremonies are always held, ranging from the smallest level (home) to larger (in temples). Of course, in the hope of prosperity and welfare. With srada and devotion truly sincere, holy, Nirmala, certainly very much hope people can realize the goal of life Moksartam jagatdhita ye ca iti dharma. For the temple, one can visit many locations scattered throughout Bali. Until outside Bali and even abroad. What about Bali?

In Bali, one of which can be addressed is the Pura Goa Giri Putri. Exactly, if people come to this temple of grace pleading inner and outer well-being, order cheap sustenance, easier way to success in business, live peace, harmony and harmonious household and invoke the grace and the other the benefit of mankind. Goa or a cave is a place / large or small hole in the ground, either diperbukitan or mountain which has a cavity with a certain width and length. Giri means hill / mountain. Putri or Princess means beautiful woman. In the concept of Hinduism, the daughter in question is a symbolic for power / magic power of God that has a motherly nature (feminine). So, Goa Giri Putri intended as a hole that has a cavity, the space of a certain size as a place of power / magic power of God in its manifestation in the form of a woman / beautiful woman called Hyang Giri Putri that no other is one of magic and power Lord Shiva in his form as a. Another name of Giri Putri is Godess Laksmi or Mother Durga.

 Giri Putri cave located at an altitude of 150 meters above sea level. Has a length of about 310 meters and there are 6 places to pray / pelinggih. Before 1990, Goa Giri Putri was a cave used as a local tourist attraction, especially during the day, and Brass Galungan. In addition to the existing water in the garden of holy water made Goa / tirta (mainly by people Karangsari) series with the holding of the ceremony Panca Yadnya. As a form of preservation and maintaining the presence of Princess Giri Goa as a place of worship as well as spiritual and cultural attractions, later, came the idea to build pelinggih pelinggih as a place of worship to the gods who dwell in the Pura Goa Giri Putri.
There are six pelinggih(building to worship) and power of God that sitteth in the temple Goa Giri Putri, They are : Pelinggih Hyang Tri Purusa, Pelinggih Hyang Wasuki, Pelinggih Hyang Giripati, Pelinggih Hyang Giri Putri, Pelinggih Payogan and Pelinggih Hyang Amrita Shiva, Sri Sedana / Queen and Goddess Kwam Im Syahbandar .
 Not only when piodalan/cermony which took place on Purnamaning Kalima, Pura Goa Giri Princess visited by pemedek/prayer always crowded every day. Moreover, Pura Goa Giri Putri get listed in the row of temples that serve the spiritual attraction of Nusa Penida. Not only Hindus, national high officials also often pray at Pura Goa Giri Putri, especially when there are activities in the District Nusa Penida.

Hyang Ganapati and Tri Purusa
here even we can't see the mouth of the cave

If visit to pray to Pura Goa Giri Putri, while down in the parking and then cross the street, directly opposite the road pemedek staircase-steps (stairs), amounting to 110 steps. Up above, meets the first pelinggih (Pelinggih Hyang Tri Purusa) in the form of a Padmasana which is directly in front of the mouth of the cave. Bendesa Pakraman Karangsari I Nyoman Dunia, S.Pd. and Stakeholder Pura Goa Giri Princess Ketut Darma, the MBA said, according to the instructions received by the noetic often supernatural, which malinggih in pelinggih it is the strength of Ida Sang Hyang Hyang Widhi in its manifestations as Tri Purusa (the teachings of Shiva Sidantha) consisting of Paramasiwa, Sadasiwa and Siwatma. Paramasiwa means Nirguna-Brahman ie God in a state of Nirguna / holy pure without being exposed to the influence of maya. Eternal, unchanging, not born and never dies, wyapi wyapaka nirwikara and others. Sadasiwa ie, Saguna-brahman, God in a state of Saguna (Almighty), supernatural, sacred and noble. While Siwatma the influence of God in cyberspace which is the source of life or jiwatma for all beings. Thus, the power of God who was worshiped at first that the pelinggih Hyang Tri Purusa. Where, where bless begged protection from any negative influences, inner and outer happiness and requested guidance in performing tasks of life.

   After praying at Pelinggih Tri Purusa, pemedek continued to enter the area of ​​Goa Giri Putri. The first impression for anyone who  come for the first time to this temple is, it will definitely feel scared, worried and thought could not enter because when he saw a small cave mouth only can be crossed one person. However, these thoughts will disappear, when pemedek already entered the cave area. Small mouth of the cave will only pass about 3 meters. The rest, pemedek be amazed by the wonders that exist and certainly did not expect that the cavity of the cave is very wide and high, is expected to accommodate up to 5,000 persons pemedek.

Hyang Basuki and  Lord Wisnu

 Once through the tunnel, the second pelinggih pemedek again found, namely in the form Pelinggih Hyang Wasuki Sapta Petala. Wasuki Hyang is one manifestation of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa with the nature of helper, savior and who give prosperity. Because Hyang Wasuki realized in the form of a scaly dragon full of gold trinkets sparkling pearl and crown to tail. Hyang Wasuki also preserves the natural balance of the bottom (pertiwi) for the safety and welfare of mankind and other creatures. Hence, Hindus Tangkil in this pelinggih always requested safety, peace and tranquility of the people in general and especially the family. 

Pelinggih Dewi Gangga

After doing worship in Pelinggih Hyang Wasuki, we'll continue praying in the third form of Padmasana. This is the place for Hyang Giripati / Shiva, place for pelukatan and Penyineban Ida Batara. In this pelinggih, before pemedek do worship, shall purify the Dasa Mala first by pleading tirta pelukatan to Ida Hyang Putri, Goddess Ganga and Hyang Giri Pati for all papa klesa, Sarva roga and the things that are asuri sampat, both scale nor could noetic purified, melted down and destroyed. ''After the procession pelukatan finished, there was praying in front Pelinggih Pasupati pelukatan Giripati to invoke our inner outwardly so that regardless of the negative things,''said Nyoman Bendesa World.

The Stairs to the wall of the cave,where the Peliggih Giri Putri is.
 The next worship is the fourth-place, pelinggih Hyang Giri Putri. Before you climb the stairs, pemedek first encounter a form of pelinggih Ida Ratu Tangkeb Langit as a guard Ida Hyang Giri Putri. Because, to be known, having been in the area, will be found Pelinggih Hyang Giri Putri adjoining the Pengaruman as symbols of gods and goddesses in the form of statues and Rambut Sedana. The most unique of these pelinggih, namely the presence situation that its built in the middle of the cave wall. Here, pemedek can invoke the grace to realize the expectations of life. Pemedek can also apply for a cure by sprinkling holy Tirta by stakeholders / elders / pelingsir group that previously preceded by begging permission from Hyang Giri Putri, Hyang Tri Purusa, Hyang Giri Pati, Hyang Wasuki, Hyang Mahadeva, Sri Hyang Kwam Im and Goddess Rambut Sedana. There is also Pelinggih Payogan. This form pelinggih Padmasana, actually in a room with Giri Putri. The distance is about 7 meters. Special place to do penance, yoga and meditation. A wise man often mentioned as a place of Ida Ratu Niyang - Ratu Kakiang. There is also a calling Ida Hyang Giri Putri and Linggih Shiva in the form of Tri Purusa.

Pelinggih of Amrita Shiva, Sri Sedana and Goddess Kwam im 

 Finally, Pelinggih Hyang Amrita Shiva, Sri Sedana and Goddess Kwam im Syahbandar . This Pelinggih is located at the southeastern tip, where pemedek can clearly see the beam of sunlight that seemed to give the sacred torch of light sparkle Sang Hyang Surya. In pelinggih area, there are two places Padmasana pelinggih worship for Siva Hyang Amrita / Mahadeva and Gedongsari Linggih Ida Hyang Sri Sedana / Queen Syahbandar, Ratu Ayu Mas Melanting and two statues Kwam Lev. Everything is Gods Gracious, Merciful, the Compassionate, Helper, Wisdom and Prosperity gods. In general, this place is a fusion concept of Shiva-Buddha and home to beg grace pemedek inner and outer well-being, so that cheap food, watered down the road to success in business, live peace, harmony and harmonious household and begged grace of the benefit of mankind and others.

Jro Mangku Gde Giri Putri

Friday, December 16, 2011

Balinese Sea Temples

Bali has a number of important sea temples which were founded in the 16th century by a Majapahit monk from Java named Nirartha to honour the gods of the sea . Each of the temples is traditionally said to be visible from the next, forming a 'chain' around the coast of Bali. Many of the most important sea temples are along the south west coast of the island. Listed counterclockwise from Nirartha's legendary point of arrival in Bali, some of the most prominent Balinese sea temples include:
  1. Pura Gede Perancak to the south of Negara 
  2. Pura Rambut Siwi to the east of Negara At this site Niratha is said to have made a gift of a lock of his hair, which was worshipped. Rambut Siwi translates as 'worship of the hair' and the tale is reminiscent of the Buddhist story of Gautama giving eight hairs to Tapussa and Bhallika, which are now enshrined at Shwedagon. 
  3. Pura Tanah Lot west of Canggu and south of Tabanan 
  4. Pura Luhur Uluwatu at the southwestern extremity of the Bukit Peninsula 
  5. Pura Mas Suka at the southern tip of the Bukit Peninsula, near Green Ball Beach. 
  6. Pura Sakenan at Pulau Serengan, an island between Benoa and Sanur 
  7. Pura Pulaki at Pulaki, northeast of Gilimanuk Pura Luhur Uluwatu is the only Balinese sea temple that is also one of the nine Balinese directional temples.

Pura Tanah Lot, A Temple with Famous Views

Tanah Lot means "Land [ in the] Sea" in Balinese language. Located in Tabanan, about 20 km from Denpasar, the temple sits on a large offshore rock which has been shaped continuously over the years by the ocean tide.

Tanah Lot is claimed to be the work of the 15th century priest Nirartha. During his travels along the south coast he saw the rock-island's beautiful setting and rested there. Some fishermen saw him, and bought him gifts. Nirartha then spent the night on the little island. Later he spoke to the fishermen and told them to build a shrine on the rock for he felt it to be a holy place to worship the Balinese sea gods.

The Tanah Lot temple was built and has been a part of Balinese mythology for centuries. The temple is one of seven sea temples around the Balinese coast. Each of the sea temples were established within eyesight of the next to form a chain along the south-western coast. However, the temple had significant Hindu influence.

At the base of the rocky island, poisonous sea snakes are believed to guard the temple from evil spirits and intruders. A giant snake purportedly protects the temple, which was created from Nirata’s scarf when he established the island.

In 1980 the temple’s rock face was starting to crumble and the area around and inside the temple started to become dangerous. The Japanese government then provided a loan to the Indonesia government of Rp 800 billion (approximately USD $130 million) to conserve the historic temple and other significant locations around Bali. As a result, over one third of Tanah Lot's "rock" is actually cleverly disguised artificial rock created during the Japanese-funded and supervised renovation and stabilization program.

The Famous Sunset over Tanah Lot from the Pan Pacific Nirwana Golf Resort

The area leading to Tanah Lot is highly commercialized and people are required to pay to enter the area. To reach the temple, visitors must walk through a carefully planned set of Balinese market-format souvenir shops which cover each side of the path down to the sea. On the mainland cliff tops, restaurants have also been provided for tourists.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Facebook Viral for Islands of Thousands Temple

"New blog about 2 weeks old and until now, it's 1400 followers. Infinite thanks goes to all the support. Many are keen to get blog traffic cam but I can not afford to help out all. It's the best way for me to help is to choose three blogs only for the time nowadays and that's why this contest was held. God willing you will increase traffic, increase followers and friends..........."
 That is some words on a Malaysian blogger friend site that he post yesterday. I take apart on this program because according to this blog statistic,we have some weekly visitor that came from search engine. Ofcourse mostly of Avis's blog visitor are Malaysian and i hope more visitor too to visit this blog from that neighbour country.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Barack Obama Booking 40 Flights to Bali

Barack Obama Booking 40 Flights to Bali

The arrival of U.S. President Barack Obama certainly make busy airport Ngurah Rai, Bali. Because there will be 40 times better flight carrying logistics and the party from the White House.

The airport authority did not want anything missed by even the slightest mistake that could potentially interfere with the arrival of Obama and the other countries president.

Commander Pangakalan Ngurah Rai, (Airport Military Base) Lieutenant (Pilot) Jumarto, said the safeguarding of the arrival of Obama's entourage will be a serious concern ranks.

"We have information related to the arrival of President Obama there will be approximately 40 times the flight to Ngurah Rai Airport," said Jumarto when contacted Legal, Monday (11/07/2011).

A C130 Hercules aircraft the U.S. Air Force arrived early this morning followed by late afternoon the same plane transporting other logistics.

Only, when asked when the certainty of the arrival of Obama, until now the Ngurah Rai air base can not be certainty from the State Secretariat. Previously, Jumarto informed Obama is expected to land on 16 November.

With the dense plane carrying aviation logistics and the White House entourage, various preparations have been made since the last few weeks. Airport Military Base ranks with other forces of the military and police planned to hold a final preparatory pre-assignment on November 11 to 14.

Meanwhile, the other heads of state scheduled to begin arriving in Bali on 16 and 17 November. Besides Obama will attend 18 heads of state or other officials at the ASEAN Summit and East Asia Summit.

For the safety of the Ngurah Rai airport environment, other than a Company Paskhas reinforced the Air Force, also backed-up equipment and commandos from the other elements of the TNI.

In addition to maintaining the security of aircraft and logistics, security is also focused along the route from the airport to the location of the ASEAN Summit and the heads of state stay at Nusa Dua

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Clean Your Body and Purify Your Nind at Pura Tirta Empil

More than a thousand years ago a powerful King named Mayadenawa ruled over a vast area which included Bali. Mayadenawa possessed the spiritual power to transform himself into anything he desired. Unfortunately he misused his powers and became a cruel, black magician.
A priest named Sang Kulputih appealed to Indra to come to earth to kill Mayadenawa.Because he had many spies, Mayadenawa learned about the upcoming attack in time and managed to organize his defenses. However Lord Indra's forces were superior and therefore victorious. Most of King Mayadenawa troops fled, leaving him almost without defense.
Then the war was interrupted by nightfall. When Indra's forces slept, Mayadenawa stole into Indra's camp, walking on the sides of his feet as to leave no foot prints, and created a pool of poisoned water. This way of walking gave Tampaksiring its name, for tampak siring is Balinese for 'without imprints'. He left as he came and when Indra's forces woke up the next morning and discovered the water pool, they drank from it and became violently sick.
When Indra found out what happened, he created a large spring of fresh water by stabbing his flag pole to the ground.The clear water was able to cure the sickness of his army. The spring was called Tirtha Empul, which means bubbling spring.
Mayadenawa fled, chased by the forces of Indra. During his flight he transformed himself a number of times, but he couldn't trick Indra with his disguises. When he had transformed himself into a stone, he was shot by Indra with an arrow. A stream of blood flowed from the stone, forming the river Petanu. And for a thousand years this river would be cursed. Rice fields irrigated with its water would make the rice grow fast, but once harvested, blood would come out of it and it would smell bad.
The death of King Mayadenawa is symbolic for the victory of good (dharma) over evil (adharma). The day of Mayadenawa's death is still celebrated, every 210 days according to the Balinese Pawukon calendar, and this day is generally known as Galungan Day

Pura Tirta Empul is a water temple in Bali, located about 12 miles northeast of Ubud. Fed continuously by springs, the Balinese consider the water holy and believe it comes from sacred Lake Batur, atop volcanic Mt. Batur. After it passes through the temple complex, the water feeds the Pakerisan River and many of the subaks to the south around Ubud.
At the center of the temple complex is the spring source, held within a large walled pool. The cool spring water bubbles out of dark grey volcanic sand, which billows under water among electric green freshwater algae and ferns.

Underground channels direct water from the spring pool into the four blessing pools where it spurts from cylindrical stone spouts. The four blessing pools are aligned laterally at the base of the spring pool. The first pool, at the left, has 13 spouts. To receive blessings, a worshipper steps down into the water, submerged to 85 cm, and walks across the stone bottom to the spout on the left. Proceeding from left to right the worshipper repeatedly bows to submerge head and shoulders under the water from each spout, offering prayers and receiving blessings. There are spouts for baby ceremonies, spouts for nightmares, and spouts for holy water to take away.
The spring water passes in underground channels from the blessing pools to the public washing pools and then enters the river to feed the rice terraces to the south.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pura Pusering Jagat,The Center of The Universe

Pura Pusering Jagat
Pura Pusering Jagat Banner
Just ask where the center of the world to the citizens of Pejeng Village, Gianyar,Bali, then deftly they would say that at Temple Pusering Jagat is the place. For those at Temple Pusering Jagat beginnings of life and civilization of the world. The conviction was most likely due to Pusering Jagat does mean center of the universe.

 Pura Pusering Jagat is an important temple in Bali. This temple is one of the six temples including the celestial universe is positioned in the middle. In Hindu cosmology, the middle is sthana (dwelling place) of Lord Shiva.

Main Gate of Pura Pusering Jagat
Kori Agung,The Gate

 Pusering Jagat Pura is located in the village Pejeng that in the past is central to the kingdom of Bali Kuna. Many believe that the word comes from the word "pajeng". Pajeng meaning umbrella. From this village the kings of Bali Kuna umbrella for people. However, there is also a suspect Pejeng word derived from the shelf (Old Javanese) which means light. It is believed, from where the rays emitted brilliance to the entire universe.

In ancient lontar(book),Pura Pusering Jagat also known as Tasik or central ocean. Naming it will remind people of the Hindu to the Adi Parwa which tells the story of the struggle of the Gods in seeking Amertha tirtha (water of life) in the middle of the ocean Ksirarnawa.

In this temple there are statues that show that this temple is a place of worship of Shiva as the statue of Ganesha (the son of Siva), Durga (Shiva magic), are also statues Bhairawa. There are also statues shaped male sex (purusa) and women (pradana). In Hinduism, Purusa and Pradana are God's first creation. Purusa is the psychological seeds, whereas seeds Pradana material. Purusa and Pradana this meeting gave birth to life and harmony.

Sangku Sudamala,Holy Vessel at Pura Pusering Jagat
Vessel Of  Sudamala

 In this temple there are also ancient relics shaped vessel called sangku Sudamala overflow symbolizing the holy water for life. Inside there are pictures sangku Sudamala digits indicating the year Saka 1251.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Pura Luhur Batukaru, Spirit of Life from The Jungle

The View on the Way to Pura Batukaru
The View Near Batukaru
 Pura Luhur Batukaru is a place of worship of God Mahadeva. Because of its function to worship God as The Power that grow the plants with water, then in the Pura Luhur Batukaru is referred to the worship of the Lord that also say as Hyang Tumuwuh - God as a foster.
God as the source of bring water to the soil so comes the power to grow the plants. Plants that will thrive with green leaves containing chlorophyll as a substance that saves lives. Worship of God in the Pura Luhur Batukaru should be the spiritual power of media to build a building on the spirit of life to seriously maintain soil fertility and water resources. With soil fertility maintained and protected water sources, then the plants will be fertile. Fertile plants that will continue if the air is not polluted by emissions of CO2. Contaminated air will cause acid rain which can damage the plants shoots. So the worship of God as Sang Hyang Tumuwuh have deep meaning for the life of mankind on this earth.
The existence of a conference on weather changes followed by 187 countries in Nusa Dua in 2007 is the moment to remind ourselves of the values ​​contained behind Sang Hyang Tumuwuh Worship at Temple Luhur Batukaru.

The Main Gate of Pura Batukaru
The Main Gate to Pura Batukaru
Pura Luhur Batukaru located in the village of Wongaya Gede,Penebel, Tabanan district in Bali. Location of the temple is located in the western part of Bali island on the southern slope of Mount Batukaru. Most likely the temple's name is taken from the name of this Batukaru Mt.
For those who want to pray to the Pura Luhur Batukaru is expected to pray at the Pura Taksu Jero temple,in order to proclamation that a prayer will go to pray in the Pura Luhur Batukaru and hope to get success during the process.
The Holy Shower
Holy Shower in Taman Beji
Then we must go to Taman Beji area,to headed shower. It is located in the southeastern part of the main temple but remain in the area of ​​Pura Luhur Batukaru.

Natural Spring Reservoir around Taman Beji
  The water fountain is to purify themselves by rinsing, washing face and wash the feet in the shower continued to pray in the temple Taman Beji as a sign of purification Sakala and Niskala or physical and spiritual as a key condition for worship can be done.

The Main Area of Pura Batukaru 
Main Area of Pura Batukaru
Pura Luhur Batukaru is also included in the Lontar (holy letter) called Dewa Kusuma. Pura Luhur Batukaru already exist in the 11th century AD,as old as Pura Besakih, Pura Luhur Lempuyang, Guwa Lawah Pura, Pura Luhur Uluwatu, and Pura Pusering Jagat. As the initiator of the establishment of the temple is Mpu Kuturan. Many experts view that the Mpu Kuturan establish Sad Kayangan to motivate people to maintain the balance of the existence of universe.
Pura Luhur Batukaru probably already be a place of worship and place of meditation by spiritual leaders in the area of ​​Tabanan and Bali in general. This opinion is based on the discovery of water sources and with different types of statues shower. From the sources of these springs can be concluded that the area was once used as a place for meditation. After the establishment of Pura Luhur Batukaru in the 11th century are we not getting a clear description of how the existence of the temple.

After in 1605 AD there is a description of the book Babad Buleleng. In the book explained that the Pura Luhur Batukaru was damaged by King of Buleleng named Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti. In that chronicle book is told that the Buleleng Kingdom is very safe, no enemy would dare attack him. The King wanted to expand the empire, and reconciled to the expansion of Tabanan. Raja Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti on the way met with Batukaru area which is the kingdom of Tabanan area. Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti with his soldiers damaging Pura Luhur Batukaru. Temple was destroyed.
Outside of the calculation of Ki Panji Sakti suddenly came out of nowhere,a lot wasps and stinging them ferociously . Panji Sakti and its soldiers were attacked by wasps all-out fierce and venomous. Panji Sakti and scuttled back off and canceled a plan to attack the kingdom of Tabanan. Because the temple was damaged by Ki Panji Sakti then temple buildings were completely destroyed. Just left pile of rubble only.

In 1959 Pura Luhur Batukaru get repairs so the shape look like it is today. In 1977 in step by step there is attention of local government in aid. Until now Pura Luhur Batukaru situation is getting better.

Visitor in Pura Batukaru
Tourist Visit The Temple daily

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Amazing of Pura Luhur Uluwatu

Luhur Uluwatu Temple or Pura Uluwatu temple is located in the region Pecatu Village, Kuta District, Badung.

The Temple is located at the southwestern tip of Bali island over the stone bridge and a high cliff jutting into the sea and this is one of the "Sad Khayangan" which is believed by Hindus as a buffer from 9 of the wind. This temple was originally used to be a place to worship a holy priest of the 11th century named Empu Kuturan. He lowered the teachings of Indigenous Village with all the rules. This temple is also used to worship the holy priest that followed, namely Dang Hyang Nirartha, who came to Bali in late 1550 and end the journey with  Moksah in this place.

Uluwatu Temple is situated at an altitude of 1997 meters above sea level. In front of the temple there is a small forest called kekeran forest, serves as a support of the sanctity of the temple.Pura Uluwatu  has several parts of temples, which are closely associated with temples temples parent. They are Pura pesanakan Bajurit,Pura Pererepan , Pura Kulat, Pura Dalem Pangleburan Selonding and Pura Dalem. Each temple has close links with the Pura Uluwatu, especially in the days of temple Celebration that called piodalan . Piodalan at Pura Uluwatu  fell on Tuesday Kliwon Wuku Medangsia every 210 days. Manifestation of God who was worshiped in the Pura Uluwatu is the God Rudra.  Uluwatu Temple became famous for his right under it is a beach Pecatu often used as a place to surf, and even international events are often held here. This beach is very famous waves suitable for surfing to be a place other than the natural beauty of Bali is indeed very beautiful.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pura Goa Lawah

Pura Goa Lawah is one which is considered the most sacred temple in Bali.

It's situated in the Pesinggahan village , District of Dawan, Klungkung regency, or approximately 49 kilometers from Denpasar. This temple is located to the left of the road to Padang Bai, or several miles before entering the area of Karangasem.

Goa Lawah means ‘bat cave‘ in Balinese, and in Bali, Goa lawah is a famous tourist attraction, as well as a place of religious importance to the Balinese people. The temple was founded in 1007, by Empu Kuteran. Though the temple is small, it is considered very auspicious and is one of the 9 kayangan jagat (directional temples)
that protect Bali from evil spirits. The temple at Goa Lawah protects Bali from the SE.
Balinese people often stop when driving along thius part of the coast, to give offerings. This is the case all over the island. On special days, raod side shrines may attract a large crowd of Balinese, dressed in ceremonial gear, stopping on their way to a major temple, to give offerings and pray. The parking area and souvenir sellers are in front of the temple, which itself is quite small. There is a 11 tier meru inside, donating its importance, but the actuall temple is quite small. It is possible to visit Goa Lawah during ceremonies, and I managed to get inside to watch people giving offerings and praying. The cave itself is in the rear of the temple, up against the cliff. Inside are hundreds of fruit bats and legend has it that the cave extends all the way underground Pura Goa, at Besakih temple 30 kms away. The cave is the dwelling of Balinese naga, Basuki. Bearing in mind the people at Tirtaganga believe the waters of the Ganges (in India) flow through there, I’d take that with a pinch of salt.

Pura Lempuyang,Temple of God Iswara

 In the various sources of ejection or ancient inscriptions, there are three large temples which are often called in addition to  Besakih  and Ulun Danu Batur, the temple Lempuyang. Pura Luhur Lempuyang located at the top of Mount Bisbis or Mount Lempuyang, Karangasem. This temple is  believed to  include  the oldest  in Bali. In fact, it is estimated  there  in the days of pre-Hindu-Buddhist shrine which was originally made ​​of stone. Pura Lempuyang is the temple for the god Iswara. How is the embryo of the founding of Temple Lempuyang?
There is an information based on shooting from outer space, on the eastern tip of Bali island appears very bright light. Most light than other parts. But not known for sure from where the beam area, it is suspected of Mount Lempuyang.
About the meaning of Lempuyang, there are various versions. In a book published by the Office of Culture of Bali (1998) entitled''Lempuyang Luhur''is mentioned," lempuyang" derived from the word''lampu''(=light) and "hyang" {meaning to refer to God, like Hyang Widhi). From that word  lempuyang interpreted holy light of God that brightly lit. Pura Hyang Lempuyang is "stana" of the god Iswara. 
Another legend say that Batara Hyang Pasupati sent three sons and daughters down to cuddle in order to maintain the stability of Bali from various natural disasters destruction. The three sons and daughter were the Bathara Hyang Putra Jaya  in Tohlangkir (Mount) Agung with the temple in Pura Besakih,   Goddess Dewi Danu in Ulun  Batur (lake Batur) and Batara Hyang Gni Jaya on Mount Lempuyang.

However, whatever version of lempuyang it, Pura Lempuyang itself has a very big status, just like Besakih. Both in concept Buwana padma, nutmeg or even chess workshops Gods Nawa sanga. In the various sources of ejection or ancient inscriptions, there are three large temples which are often referred besides Ulun Danu Batur Besakih and the Lempuyang.

Pura Luhur Lempuyang located very high on the top of Mount or Mount Lempuyang Bisbis that, allegedly including the oldest temple in Bali. In fact, it is estimated there in the days of pre-Hindu-Buddhist shrine which was originally made of stone.

At about 1950 on the establishment of Pura Luhur Lempuyang now, there were only piles of stones and the great studio made from a tree. In eastern  stood a big Sidhakarya tree which is now no allegedly fallen or dead. It was only in 1960 built two"padma Kembar", a "padma Tunggal" and Bale piyasan". Now, refurbishment and restoration of temples increased.

Acccording to a number of ancient sources, Jero Gede Mangku Wangi - stakeholders in the temple was - to say nothing of the Balinese must not forget this temple. At least once took pray to this temple. Because, if not ever forget to praise God or a manifestation  in this temple, as long as life can never find happiness, often quarreled with the family or community and even shorter life.

Jero Gede Mangku Wangi say, to start learning science, especially the Hindu religious science, very good if it starts to beg the blessing at Temple Lempuyang Luhur. In addition, many officials prefer come to this temple.

Jero Gede Mangku Wangi convey, at Temple Lempuyang Luhur  there are "Holy Water" in the bamboo tree which grows in the area Pura Luhur. When people praying here, stakeholders temple  would cut a bamboo tree after finish the praying. Holy water / tirta of the bamboo tree usually used in various ceremonies, except Manusa Yadnya. ''Whoever can not do bad as insipid in the temple, if you do not want to hit the distress,''said Jero Mangku.